The artwork above you attracts attentionwith its compositional structure, where the perspective converges in thecenter, quoting the famous ceiling frescos and creating the three dimensionaleffect. These images symbolize different aspects of life and death, emphasizingthe Baroque tendency to depict strong contrasts. The thematic pattern narratesthe stories of great tragedies or celebrations typical for that era. Thecentral elements of the work are the red gates inhabited by various characters.The hero system, allegorical signs, scenography of the actions taking place, alot of intertwining intriguing subjects and the volume of the painting itselfrefer to the nature of theatre and the great works of demiurges of all times.This painting is inspired by the aesthetics of European art from the 16thcentury but translates it into the context of modernity, illustrating parallelsbetween historical trends and the challenges faced by contemporary societywithin the dynamics of online interactions.
The fountain depicted in the paintingmetaphorically represents the flow of time, steadily moving forward.
However, the particularly notable elementis the large red car transforming into a pumpkin. This allegory reflects therapid shift in trends within modern society, emphasizing the temporal nature offashion and innovation.
Finally, the image of a falling boysurrounded by black hearts pulling him down reflects the disappointment orcaptivity of a modern individual in the virtual environment, subject to thenegative influence of online trends.