
2023 "HESOYAM "Church of Sant'Agostino, Pietrasanta
2022 Christmas exhibition, The Project Space
2021 «Aurea Saecula», Triumph gallery
2021«Innocentmischiefs.Technorococo»Jart Gallery. Curator: Sergey Khachaturov
2019 ARCADIA: VR-project, ZIL Culture Center
2019 Personal exhibition "Pattern Recognition", The Foundation of V. Smirnov and K. Sorokin, Moscow
2017 Personal exhibition "Come to see me". Curator: Kirill Preobrazhensky. START, Winzavod, Moscow

2023 Biennale Le Latitudini dell'Arte, Berln, Germany
2023 "Stream the dream", Milan, Italy
2020 «Bird concert»Tsaritsyno Museum
2020 «A wave of dreams» triumph gallery
2020 «20:20.Time stopped»,Moscow museum of modern art. Curator: Alexander Burenkov
2019 «In the fog of war»,gallery khodynka. Curator: Alexander Burenkov
2019 «Cosmorama XVIII», Museum of Moscow. Curator: Sergey Khachaturov
2019 «Random dreams generator», Gogol house
2018 Exhibition-installation “Hypnosisof space. Imaginary architecture. The way from antiquity totoday”.Curator: Sergey Khachaturov. GMZ Tsaritsyno, Moscow
2018 Exhibition “Victory over white”. Curator: Andrei Parshikov. Open Studios, Winzavod, special project of the VI Moscow International Biennale of Young Art
2018 Exhibition “Strange, Lost, Unseen, Useless”. Curator: Anatoly Osmolovsky. Red Hall, Winzavod, special project of the VI Moscow International Biennale of Young Art
2017 Group exhibition, "Over There, Where No One Dreams: from Sacred Geography to Non-Place". Curators: Daria Kamyshnikova, Vladislav Efimov. MMOMA, Moscow

Vladimir Kartashov

What do gabbers, fundamental painting, theatrical masks of the 18th century and online games have in common?Artist Vladimir Kartashov, co-author of our RENAISSANCE collection, works with cultural codes, highlighting the patterns of figurative systems of different eras, each of his canvases conveys an unrestrained flow of information, a whirlwind of content about the present.In a short interview, Vladimir told us about his background, work on the collection and how he perceives the world and his art.

2023 "HESOYAM "Church of Sant'Agostino, Pietrasanta
2022 Christmas exhibition, The Project Space
2021 «Aurea Saecula», Triumph gallery
2021«Innocentmischiefs.Technorococo»Jart Gallery. Curator: Sergey Khachaturov
2019 ARCADIA: VR-project, ZIL Culture Center
2019 Personal exhibition "Pattern Recognition", The Foundation of V. Smirnov and K. Sorokin, Moscow
2017 Personal exhibition "Come to see me". Curator: Kirill Preobrazhensky. START, Winzavod, Moscow

2023 Biennale Le Latitudini dell'Arte, Berln, Germany
2023 "Stream the dream", Milan, Italy
2020 «Bird concert»Tsaritsyno Museum
2020 «A wave of dreams» triumph gallery
2020 «20:20.Time stopped»,Moscow museum of modern art. Curator: Alexander Burenkov
2019 «In the fog of war»,gallery khodynka. Curator: Alexander Burenkov
2019 «Cosmorama XVIII», Museum of Moscow. Curator: Sergey Khachaturov
2019 «Random dreams generator», Gogol house
2018 Exhibition-installation “Hypnosisof space. Imaginary architecture. The way from antiquity totoday”.Curator: Sergey Khachaturov. GMZ Tsaritsyno, Moscow
2018 Exhibition “Victory over white”. Curator: Andrei Parshikov. Open Studios, Winzavod, special project of the VI Moscow International Biennale of Young Art
2018 Exhibition “Strange, Lost, Unseen, Useless”. Curator: Anatoly Osmolovsky. Red Hall, Winzavod, special project of the VI Moscow International Biennale of Young Art
2017 Group exhibition, "Over There, Where No One Dreams: from Sacred Geography to Non-Place". Curators: Daria Kamyshnikova, Vladislav Efimov. MMOMA, Moscow

Danae Project
Vladimir Kartashov